The people of Green Spring Church joyfully share in a wide range of ministries within the church family and beyond into the community. In the Church, we are committed to ministry and mission.
After School Program
A care ministry for people in times of transition and crisis.
Home and hospital visitation
A ministry to widows and widowers
Boy Scout Troop 70
A Summer Gospel Music program at Watauga Chapel
Ecumenical Faith in Action
Project Crossroads in Smyth County
Crossroads Medical Mission in Bristol
Habitat for Humanity in Washington County
Regional Jail Ministry
The Mission work of the PC(USA)
Bible translating and sharing societies
Monthly offering to provide Snacks to Active Duty Soldiers
Birthday Party at a local nursing home
Christian Education at Green Spring
Sunday school for all ages meets at 9:45am on Sunday morning. The peel of a church bell calls us all to a time of study.
Music at Green Spring
The Choir All who love to make a joyful noise are encouraged to join in. The choir shares in worship leadership each Sunday morning and brings a musical offering to the special events of the church.
Other musical groups and ensembles sing in worship: the Green Spring Men, Joyful hearts, and a children's choir.